Animals Live in Different Places

Animals Live in Different Places

These factors vary in different places and can change from season to season.
  • Amount of light
  • Temperature
  • Height above sea level
  •  Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
  • Vegetation
  • Moisture
Climatic regions of the world include arctic, desert, or tropical.

Arctic and Antarctic

 Arctic(North Pole) and Antarctic(South Pole) - There are freezing conditions all the year round, so the ground is frozen. There is snow in the long winters, summers are short. Plants are mostly low growing, like lichen and mosses. animals that live in this environment include penguins, seals, whales, fish, and polar bears. Some of these animals have thick fur or layers of fat called blubber to keep them warm.

Desert Regions

Desert Regions - It is very hot during the day and very cold at night. It is also very dry-less than 25 millimeters of rain per year. Camel is adapted to live in desert regions. A camel stores fat in its hump and can drink 40 gallons of water at one time. It does not sweat below 46C. Fur isolates its body from cold and heat , its large feet do not sink into the sand.

Tropical Regions

Tropical regions are hot and wet all the time. They contain the highest and most varied number of species on Earth. Conditions are ideal for growth the year round. The sun is directly overhead and there are no seasons.

The temperature is between 20C and 30C and the rainfall is about 2000 millimeters per year. The Tropical regions are covered in rainforests.

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