Birds are Warm-Blooded

Birds are Warm-Blooded

Birds are warm-blooded animals with internal skeletons. They all have wings and feathers. Not all birds can fly.

 All Flying birds have

- A streamlined body shape. This helps birds to travel through the air smoothly by cutting down air resistance.
- A light, water proof covering of feathers all over their body. The feathers help birds to fly and keep body heat in, so they stays warm.
- Two wings covered with extra-strong flight feathers. The wings help to raise the bird into the air and the bird keeps itself flying by flapping them.
- A horny pointed beak the feeding. Different birds have differently shaped beaks.
- Lightweight, party hollow bones.
- Scaly legs and feet with three or four toes and sharp claws.

Some birds cannot fly

The largest bird, the ostrich from Africa cannot fly, but it can run at 65 km/hour.

Water birds

They have long legs for wadding. Flamingoes have special shaped beaks to get the food they need from the mud.

All birds lay eggs.


Birds do not have teeth. different birds have differently shaped beaks. The shape of the beak depends on what food they est.

Birds that eat meat have a strong sharp beak to tear the meat from the animals they catch.
Birds that eat seeds have a short strong beak to open the seeds shells so they can eat the seeds inside.
Birds that eat insects have a sharp beak to catch the insects that they eat.
Birds that eat nectar have a long thin beak to get inside the flowers where the nectar is.
Birds that get their food from water and mud have flat beaks to dig in the mud.
Birds that eat fish have long sharp beaks for spearing fish.

Thanks all image from blogspot 

Fish - A Large Group of Underwater Creatures

Fish - A Large Group of Underwater Creatures

Fish are cold blooded, it live all the time in water and have fins for swimming. Fish are all vertebrates and have gills for breathe oxygen from the water. Their skin is covered with scales.

Most fish have bone skeletons. some fish, like sharks, dogfish and  rays, have skeletons made of tough gristly cartilage.
The skeleton of the cartilaginous fish is out of a flexible bone- cartilage. The skeleton does not have any bone.
Bony fish have a gill slit on either side of their body. The slits are covered with a flap of skin. When the fish opens its mouth, water comes in and washes over the gills.

Image from

They absorb oxygen from the water and pass it into the fish's body. The waste water goes out through the slits.

Eels and lampreys are the only fish that have a smooth skin.
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What are Amphibians

What are Amphibians?

 Amphibians are a group of animals that spend a part of their lives in water and a part of their lives and land.
Frogs, newts, toads, and salamanders are all amphibians.  You will see amphibians have smooth, moist skin.
Amphibians nearly always live near fresh water, because they need water to breed. They lay their eggs in water, the eggs hatch into tadpoles and the tadpoles turn into the mature animals that live on the land.
On land, the adults breathe using lungs. In water, they can breathe through their skin or through gills.

Newts and salamanders are long, thin and lizard-like.
Caecilians are amphibians that look like eartworms. They like to burrow in sand and mud.
Notes: Thanks all Amphibians image from