Facts About Reptiles

Facts About Reptiles

Reptiles live and breed mostly on land and some live in water. snakes, Lizards, Crocodiles and Turtles are reptiles.
Reptiles are cold blooded, this is why they need to live in warm climates.
Reptiles cannot control their body temperature so they must lay in the sunlight to warm their bodies tot have energy to  move.
Reptiles have dry scaly skin, they have lungs to breath air. reptiles lay eggs with leathery shells.

Lizards  are reptiles with scaly bodies and four legs. The biggest lizards is the komodo dragon from Indonesia, it can crow up to three meters long.

Tortoises, terrapins, and turtles are reptiles with protective shells. Turtles live in the seaand come ashore to lay their eggs.

Snakes are limbless reptiles, some snakes have poisonous fangs. When they bite, the poison is injected to kill their victim. Some snakes called constrictors, squeeze their victims to death. Constrictors can grow to be ten meters long.
credit: all images from blogspot.com

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