Animals Producers and Consumers

Animals Producers and Consumers

Animals Producers and Consumers

Living organisms can be grouped based on what they look like. when organisms are thought about as living together it is helpful to group them based on what they eat.
There are two groups : One group that produces food and the other group that consumes food.


Primary producers are organisms in an ecosystem that produce biomass from inorganic compounds (autotrophs). Producers make the food for all the other members of the community, they make their own food from simple substances carbon dioxide and water. Pants use light to make sugars from carbon dioxide and water.

Bacteria are also producers. some use light but most use chemical reactions to get their energy.


All animals are consumers. They cannot make their own food so they have to eat or consumer it.
Primary consumers are herbivores.

A herbivore is an animal anatomically and physiologically adapted to eating plant material, for example foliage, for the main component of its diet. As a result of their plant diet, herbivorous animals typically have mouthparts adapted to rasping or grinding. Horses and other herbivores have wide flat teeth that are adapted to grinding grass, tree bark, and other tough plant material.

Secondary consumers are carnivores. They eat herbivores.

A carnivore /ˈkɑrnɪvɔər/ meaning 'meat eater' (Latin, caro meaning 'meat' or 'flesh' and vorare meaning 'to devour') is an organism that derives its energy and nutrient requirements from a diet consisting mainly or exclusively of animal tissue, whether through predation or scavenging.

Tertiary consumers are small carnivores that eat secondary consumers. They are sometimes called top carnivores.

Decomposers are microbes that feed on dead and decaying material. Most of these are bacteria and fungi. The decomposers turn the dead and decaying material into nutrients that the producers use to produce food.
Most bears are omnivores

Omnivores are animals that eat a mixture of plant and animal foods. some omnivores eat plants most of the time.
Credit : image from google , wikipedia and wikimedia
Animals Live in Different Places

Animals Live in Different Places

Animals Live in Different Places

These factors vary in different places and can change from season to season.
  • Amount of light
  • Temperature
  • Height above sea level
  •  Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
  • Vegetation
  • Moisture
Climatic regions of the world include arctic, desert, or tropical.

Arctic and Antarctic

 Arctic(North Pole) and Antarctic(South Pole) - There are freezing conditions all the year round, so the ground is frozen. There is snow in the long winters, summers are short. Plants are mostly low growing, like lichen and mosses. animals that live in this environment include penguins, seals, whales, fish, and polar bears. Some of these animals have thick fur or layers of fat called blubber to keep them warm.

Desert Regions

Desert Regions - It is very hot during the day and very cold at night. It is also very dry-less than 25 millimeters of rain per year. Camel is adapted to live in desert regions. A camel stores fat in its hump and can drink 40 gallons of water at one time. It does not sweat below 46C. Fur isolates its body from cold and heat , its large feet do not sink into the sand.

Tropical Regions

Tropical regions are hot and wet all the time. They contain the highest and most varied number of species on Earth. Conditions are ideal for growth the year round. The sun is directly overhead and there are no seasons.

The temperature is between 20C and 30C and the rainfall is about 2000 millimeters per year. The Tropical regions are covered in rainforests.

Arachnids Facts

Arachnids Facts

Arachnids Facts

Arachnids is a term for animals that include scorpions, spiders, mites and ticks and certain others eight-legged land invertebrates.

All arachnids have:
- A body divided into two parts.
- Four pairs of legs.
- No antennae, but they can paralyses their prey with poison fangs.

Insects The Largest Group of Animal

Insects The Largest Group of Animal

Insects The Largest Group of Animal

Insects are the biggest group of animals, they are found all over the world, even in frozen lands and in very hot deserts where other animals find it hard to live. Most insects live on their own, but some live in organized communities.
- A protective outer covering called on exoskeleton insects are invertebrates, which means they do not have a backbone.
- A head which carries the eyes, antennae and the feeding parts.
- A thorax that carriers 6 legs and sometimes wings.
- An abdomen, made up of a series of segments. Vital organs like the heart are in yhe abdomen.
- Three pairs of jointed legs.
- Cold Blood - They cannot control their body temperature.
- Many have compound eyes, made up of hundreds of tiny lenses.
Some insects go through a change of body appearance called metamorphosis, which involves four stages. Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation.

Bees and Ants live in large groups. They work together to build a hive. Each insect has a special job to do. Some build, some collect food, some clean, and some look after the babies.

Grasshoppers are insects that have strong hind legs for jumping. They rub parts of their bodies together to make a singing sound to attract of mate. Their ears are on their knees.

Birds are Warm-Blooded

Birds are Warm-Blooded

Birds are Warm-Blooded

Birds are warm-blooded animals with internal skeletons. They all have wings and feathers. Not all birds can fly.

 All Flying birds have

- A streamlined body shape. This helps birds to travel through the air smoothly by cutting down air resistance.
- A light, water proof covering of feathers all over their body. The feathers help birds to fly and keep body heat in, so they stays warm.
- Two wings covered with extra-strong flight feathers. The wings help to raise the bird into the air and the bird keeps itself flying by flapping them.
- A horny pointed beak the feeding. Different birds have differently shaped beaks.
- Lightweight, party hollow bones.
- Scaly legs and feet with three or four toes and sharp claws.

Some birds cannot fly

The largest bird, the ostrich from Africa cannot fly, but it can run at 65 km/hour.

Water birds

They have long legs for wadding. Flamingoes have special shaped beaks to get the food they need from the mud.

All birds lay eggs.


Birds do not have teeth. different birds have differently shaped beaks. The shape of the beak depends on what food they est.

Birds that eat meat have a strong sharp beak to tear the meat from the animals they catch.
Birds that eat seeds have a short strong beak to open the seeds shells so they can eat the seeds inside.
Birds that eat insects have a sharp beak to catch the insects that they eat.
Birds that eat nectar have a long thin beak to get inside the flowers where the nectar is.
Birds that get their food from water and mud have flat beaks to dig in the mud.
Birds that eat fish have long sharp beaks for spearing fish.

Thanks all image from blogspot 
Fish - A Large Group of Underwater Creatures

Fish - A Large Group of Underwater Creatures

Fish - A Large Group of Underwater Creatures

Fish are cold blooded, it live all the time in water and have fins for swimming. Fish are all vertebrates and have gills for breathe oxygen from the water. Their skin is covered with scales.

Most fish have bone skeletons. some fish, like sharks, dogfish and  rays, have skeletons made of tough gristly cartilage.
The skeleton of the cartilaginous fish is out of a flexible bone- cartilage. The skeleton does not have any bone.
Bony fish have a gill slit on either side of their body. The slits are covered with a flap of skin. When the fish opens its mouth, water comes in and washes over the gills.

Image from

They absorb oxygen from the water and pass it into the fish's body. The waste water goes out through the slits.

Eels and lampreys are the only fish that have a smooth skin.
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What are Amphibians

What are Amphibians

What are Amphibians?

 Amphibians are a group of animals that spend a part of their lives in water and a part of their lives and land.
Frogs, newts, toads, and salamanders are all amphibians.  You will see amphibians have smooth, moist skin.
Amphibians nearly always live near fresh water, because they need water to breed. They lay their eggs in water, the eggs hatch into tadpoles and the tadpoles turn into the mature animals that live on the land.
On land, the adults breathe using lungs. In water, they can breathe through their skin or through gills.

Newts and salamanders are long, thin and lizard-like.
Caecilians are amphibians that look like eartworms. They like to burrow in sand and mud.
Notes: Thanks all Amphibians image from
Facts About Reptiles

Facts About Reptiles

Facts About Reptiles

Reptiles live and breed mostly on land and some live in water. snakes, Lizards, Crocodiles and Turtles are reptiles.
Reptiles are cold blooded, this is why they need to live in warm climates.
Reptiles cannot control their body temperature so they must lay in the sunlight to warm their bodies tot have energy to  move.
Reptiles have dry scaly skin, they have lungs to breath air. reptiles lay eggs with leathery shells.

Lizards  are reptiles with scaly bodies and four legs. The biggest lizards is the komodo dragon from Indonesia, it can crow up to three meters long.

Tortoises, terrapins, and turtles are reptiles with protective shells. Turtles live in the seaand come ashore to lay their eggs.

Snakes are limbless reptiles, some snakes have poisonous fangs. When they bite, the poison is injected to kill their victim. Some snakes called constrictors, squeeze their victims to death. Constrictors can grow to be ten meters long.
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Facts About Mammals

Facts About Mammals

Facts About Mammals

Mammals have warm blood (endothermic). This means they can control their own body temperature. Its have hairy bodies. some have thick fur; some have fine fur. Mammals have skulls and backbones. They are vertebrates. Mammals suckle their young and they feed their young with milk from their bodies.

There are three different kind of mammals grouped because of how they have their babies.
  • Placental Mammals
  • Marsupial Mammals
  • Monotremes

A placental mammal baby is born alive and well developed. When it is inside its mother, it grows in a sack and is connected to its mother's blood supply. Yes, Humans are placental mammals.

Marsupial mammals are born very tiny and undeveloped. Most of them finish growing in a pouch in their mother's body. Kangaroos and Koalas are marsupials.

Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs and hatch their babies like birds. There are only two monotremes : the platypus from Australia and the spiny anteater, echidna from Australia and New Guinea.

The group of mammals that humans belong to is the primates. So do monkeys, apes and lemurs. Primates have more complex brains, they are able to think better than most other animals. Primates can stand upright for long periods. Primates hands are highly developed so they can use them for complicated skills. Primates eyes are side by side on the front of their head so they can see more clearly.
credit : all images from blogspot

Animal Groups

Animal Groups

The main animal groups are Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Birds, Insects and Arachnids.


Mammals include bats, cats, whales and humans. Many large animals belong to this group. in order for an animal to be classified as a mammal it must have fur and feed its young on milk.


Reptiles include snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles. reptiles are cold-blooded animals, or ectothermic, which means they don't produce their own body heat. They are usually covered with tough, dry skin and horny scales. with the exception of turtles, they have teeth.


Amphibians have bodies that have changed so that they can live both on land and in water. This group includes frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders.
Amphibians have moist, hairless skin through which water can pass. They usually live the first part of their lives in water and the second part on land. They are the ancestors of reptiles which in turn gave rise to mammals and birds.


Fish are a large group of underwater creatures. It includes sharks, seahorses and eels. they are all vertebrates and have gills for breathing.


The bird group includes birds that fly and birds that can not fly. Their bodies are covered with feathers and they have a beak instead of a mouth.


Insects are the largest group of animals. They includes bees, ants, butterflies, lice, , and flies. Insects have 6 legs. The insect body usually has 3 main parts, a head, thorax and abdomen. Insects are invertebrates.


Arachnid is a term for animals that include scorpions, spiders, mites and ticks and certain other eight-legged land invertebrates. Fossil records suggest that they were among the first animals to live on land.

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