Asexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction

Reproduction means producing new living things. Both animals and plants also reproduce to make new animals or plants of the same species. There are two main ways of reproducing asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.

Asexual Reproduction

In asexual reproduction there is usually only one parent. All the offspring are identical to the parent. Some plants grow new plants on stems called runners. When the new plant touch the ground roots grow into the soil and it grows as a new plant.

Hydra is an animal made of many cells. It grows little buds on the parent body. They separate and each one grows into a new animal.

Microscopic organisms like amoeba are made of one cell. They reproduce asexually by the cell dividing into two.

There are 3 methods of asexual reproduction are fission, regeneration and budding.

Fission is the simplest form of asexual reproduction and occurs when a single organism splited  in 2 and becomes 2 separate organisms. Fission is common among unicellular.

Regeneration usually refers to the regrowth of a missing or damaged body part. In this way geckos grow a new tail if they lose one. In some animals however , a whole new animal can grow from a part of an existing animal.

Budding is another form of asexual reproduction. In budding a group of self-supportive cells grow from the organism and detach and become a separate organism. Unlike eggs or spores, buds are multi-cellular.
Asexual reproduction occurs in nature all the time. Now, there is a lot  of science research being done in laboratories that involve asexual reproduction. Cloning is the development of a new animal or plant from cells of the parent. there was a great deal of scientific work on cloning over many years, but cloning become well known when dolly, a sheep was cloned in 1996.

Asexual Reproduction




There are several types and branches of science. Below are few:

Biology is further broken down in a a few different sciences:
Zoology is the study of animal.

Microbiology is the study of microbes.
Microbes are organisms that cannot be seen by the naked eye, we have to use a microscope.

Botany is the study of plants.

Geology - Geo refers to our planet
Geology is the study of the earth  
Specifically Geology studies specific things like rocks, minerals and soil.
Geology also studies the history and formation of the planet. Geology also sometimes refers to the the physical things on other planets.
Ecology - the study of organisms and their environment. The environment is everything that is around an organism.

Meteorology - the branch of science that deals with the atmosphere, especially weather and climate. 

Anatomy - the branch of science that study the physical structure of plants , animals and other organisms. When you learn the body you will learn about the anatomy of the human body.

Chemistry - the branch of science that deals with atoms and molecules. In particular , chemistry deals with structure , composition and reactive qualities of substances.

Physics - the Scientific study of matter , energy , force and motion and the way they relate to each other.

Astronomy - the scientific study of the universe, especially the position, size , composition and behavior or objects in the universe.
Next time we will learn about Animal.



Science is the systematic study of the world around us. Science deals with the facts and theories. A theory is an idea that people believe to be true, but that hasn't or can't be proven at this time. When a theory is proven, it becomes a fact.

Before the technology of the microscope, we could not see germs. Doctors did not know what caused diseases for sure. There were a lot of theories about what caused diseases, but no person knew for sure. It wasn't until well after the invention of the microscope that scientists could actually
see microbes and determined that they caused diseases. Lots of the theories about what caused diseases were trashed and the  theory which diseases were caused by germs became a fact.

On this page we will look at a lot of areas of science. There are numerous different types of science and most of them end with the suffix -ology. If you see this at the end of a word, this means "the study 0f." In this post you will be understanding about the science of biology. Biology is the study of living things. The prefix bio, means "life." If we build it with the suffix, we have the study of living things.